How to become an Ethical Hacker and get job in Cybersecurity Field.

Akash Venky
7 min readApr 1, 2023


What is Ethical hacking

Ethical hacking involves an Authorized attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer system, application, or data. The authorized activity means performing Assessment with all written approvals to the known in-scopes (Targets).

If your fresher how to become an ETHICAL HACKER in cybersecurity field

Few Key Notes from my past Experience:

  1. Your Colleagues/Friend`s can say “I am busy I can`t help, But GOOGLE/YOUTUBE`s Search Bar`s will never ask for your Identity, cast, marks, Gender etc etc etc, They never say WE CANT PROVIDE YOU WITH DETAILS
  2. Actively participate in bugbounty programs before reporting any vulnerabilities Read the VDP (Vulnerability disclosure policy carefully)
  3. Create an LinkedIn and connect with cybersecurity people`s and follow their posts, reading materials, docs etc.
  4. Approach the Wright MENTOR`s and take their suggestions and upgrade yourself.
  5. Give Mock Interviews.
  6. Increase your communication skills, braveness and unique thinking.
  7. Do not Pay even 1 rupee for any job`s. Follow Naukri jobs, linkedin jobs.
  8. Contact me for more details …!!! You Guyz can ping me at +91 9739343808 (Akash HC)

There are multiple fields in cybersecurity such as SOC(Security Operations center) VA and PT, Endpoint Security, Cloud Security, Mobile security, Network security, IOT Security, Health care Security, Web Application Security, Threat analysis, CyberRisk management, Cybersecurity Auditor,Security Researcher, Threat Hunters and many more….!!!!

My suggestion is to start learning from Web application and move into next level such as network, API, mobile, Cloud, IOT etc. Start from PortSwigger labs here. Complete at least 80% to become CONFIDENT ETHICAL HACKER …!!! and also keep an eagle eye on YouTube videos', Recent Zero days, Capture the flags, OWASP Guides, Medium write-ups, Participate in bug bounty programs and report good vulnerabilities, Read and understand Bugbounty Publicly exposed reports and many more ….!!!!

Get at least CEH certification as bare minimum and As more certifications the more value for candidate`s.

Few Certifications should be in pipeline World Wide Cybersecurity Certifications

Basics Topics that every Ethical Hacker should be knowing


Data is a Raw fact and figure which has some information and can be used for optimal use. there are mainly 2 types of data.

  1. Data at Rest
  2. Data at Transmit

Data at Rest (stored files within system which are static).

  • Everything has to be validated under the check of CIA( Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability )

Data at transmit (data which is under movement )

  • Data — — — — (Processed) — — — — — -Information
  • Client — — — — — — — — -B — — — — — — — Server

A — — — — — — — — — — — — B — — — — — — — — C

Note: B-A (Response manipulation Data/Proxy level Data)

C-B CLIENT data/proxy level data



  • Loopback address means and sometime called as Localhost also.
  • Endpoint of every communication is called PORT.


A group of computer network connected together for the purpose of sharing resources.

Most common resources is INTERNET some more are there like FileServer, Printer


A server is a computer that provides data to other computers through LAN or some Network ,

WEB server, Mailserver, FileServer,


device that connects 2 devices on a network to receive, process, and forward data to the destination.


It’s a intermediate between Source and Destination.

An advantage of a proxy server is that its cache can serve all users. If one or more Internet sites are frequently requested, these are likely to be in the proxy’s cache, which will improve user response time


firewall is software that enforces a set of rules about what data packets will be allowed to enter or leave a network.

two main types of firewalls are host-based and network-based,

A host-based firewall is installed on individual servers and monitors incoming and outgoing signals.

A network-based firewall can be built into the cloud’s infrastructure.

Network Hubs

Common connection point for devices in a network. Hubs are devices commonly used to connect segments of a LAN. The hub contains multiple ports.


device that forwards data packets between computer networks

OR A router is hardware device designed to receive, analyze and move incoming packets to another network.

Clients and Servers

A server is a computer that holds content and services such as a website, a media file, or a chat application.

A client is a different computer, such as your laptop that requests.

IP Addresses

The Internet Protocol (IP) is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet.

Or unique identification no specifically given to a System

Network Gateway

A gateway is a network node that connects two networks using different protocols together.

Network bridge

used to join two similar types of networks, a gateway is used to join two dissimilar networks.


port is an endpoint of communication.

Domain Name System (DNS)

DNS is basically a server which translates web addresses or URL

ARP (Address resolution Protocol)

It is used to convert the IP address to its corresponding Physical Address


COMBINATION of IPaddress and port is Socket

Active testing

Have a actual interaction with server

Passive Testing

DOES NOT Have a actual interaction with direact server

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Is a unique identifier used to locate a resource on the internet


A technique used to gain the unauthorized access to the systems

VPN(Virtual private network)

creates a safe and encrypted connection over a less secure network,

Creates a Private Network under the Public network


A small piece of prog that moves inside website and Reads the pages and other important Information.


The process of Translation of data into Secrete Code with the key


A small text file created by a website that is stored in the user’s computer`s Browsers temporarily for that session

VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Pen testing)

Vulnerability assessment 🡪

The Process of listing out the loopholes, Vulnerabilities, weakness in the system through an automated or an manual approach by using different tools.

Penetration testing ->

Finding flaws, loopholes in system in order to exploit future and gain internal access and perform CRED operations on the target

Difference between Vulnerability assessment and Pentesting

Difference between Black Box White Box and Grey Box Testings and Internal and External Ip`s

Methods that Ethical Hacker will follow during VAPT.

  1. Kickoff Meeting
  2. Information gathering
  3. Vulnerability assessment (Automated and Manual)
  4. Pen testing (If in-scope)
  5. Classification and mapping the vulnerabilities/loopholes
  6. Deliverables (report making)
  7. Post Clean Up

Web App Testing

The Ethical Hacker will understand the below steps from the clients on the target endpoints

Scope form 🡪 Target URL / IP, Total no of pages, In-house/Out-house, Total of fields, Total of roles, API, any 3rd parties lib Dependencies

Based on the data given by the client in the scope form we have to decide MANDAYS(Additional 30% for Report making)

Classifying into Black Box, White Box or Grey Box testing based on the data received

Black Box- (No data expect confirming that targets from the clients)

White Box — URL + Login Credentials , (complete data given by the client about the Target)

Grey Box-URL, API (Few data given by the client)

Network Testing

The Ethical Hacker will understand the below topics from the clients on the target endpoints

  1. Scope form 🡪 External IP/Internal Target Ip`s, Lan Segment, No of devices, Total number of IP(Internal & External)

Based on the data given by the client in the scope form we have to decide MANDAYS(Additionally 30% for Report making)

Classifying into Black Box — External IP(Only)

White Box — External IP +Login Credentials , OS Version ,services used etc.

Grey Box — External IP + few details

The same method is followed for API, Mobile and cloud security assessments as well.

Walkthrough on the target`s.

  1. Try to find out those inputs which are directly or indirectly hitting or impacting the DATABASE/Internal hosted or running Services.(Forms, fields, roles ETC)
  2. URL Evaluation ( Directory Traversal(../../../../) )
  3. Tools Usage (BurpSuite, Nmap, Netcat, Telnet in verbose mode and just the particular CVE details)
  4. Remove the False Positive from the Reports from the tools
  5. Making the Report

Suggestions are most welcomed,

Please write a mail to, Also you can follow me here for more updates on Security, Ethical hacking at Akash Venky or contact me @

